Subscribe Query, demand, category, domain, a concept, goal, problem, question or an interest.
+1 |(19,107)
Truly personal computation: Bill Gates wanted to put a desktop computer into every home (2, +) [en]
+1 |(19,125)
Safer world: We can change the world to be safer (0, +) [en]
+1 |(18,874)
Distributed data storage: If you have many nodes and want to store data - how do you store data? (10, +) [en]
+1 |(18,869)
Decentralisation with P2P software: How can we use Peer 2 peer software to accomplish distribution (5, +) [en]
+1 |(19,465) Personalized Diet: How to discover what foods are good for each individual? (7, +) [en]
+1 |(18,374) Breakthroughs in Societies: Which societies produce breakthrough technology? (3, +) [en]
+1 |(19,158)
Browser monoculture: Google and Apple and Firefox effectively owns the browser market, there are very few competitor browsers with their own engines. (0, +) [en]
+1 |(18,861) Infinity DAO Proposals: What DAO (or DAOs) could we benefit from as a community? (4, +) Base Administration [en]
+1 |(18,320)
Eliminate poverty (0, +) [en]
+1 |(18,640) Application of Fractals in Society: What is a practical application of Fractal Geometry? (4, +) [en]
+1 |(18,892) Decimal time use: Would you like us to use Decimal time in the system? (1, +) Base Administration [en]
+1 |(18,419) High Incomes: How do we create universally high incomes? (1, +) [en]
0 |(18,320)
Ensuring effective nutrition (1, +) [lt]
0 |(18,320) Avoiding Creation of Predatory Superintelligence (1, +) [en, lt]
0 |(18,611) Ethics of Harm-Making in Market Making: How should we treat and use harm in market-making? (0, +) [en]
0 |(18,320) Wild animal suffering (2, +) [en]
0 |(18,320) Should we try to expand human’s life outside of natural limits (about 100-120 years)? (0, +) [en]
0 |(18,320) Multi-method Provability of Cryptographic Facts (0, +) [en]
0 |(19,122)
Database technology: Storing data and querying it and scaling it is a problem that many individuals and organisations experience. Let's talk of databases (0, +) [en]
0 |(18,336) Multiple Bank Accounts on One Phone (1, +) [en]
0 |(18,320) which world do you like better (0, +) [en]
0 |(19,122) What to spend resources on: How should I spend my money? (0, +) [en]
0 |(18,320) Ensure That Open Knowledge Serves Good (0, +) [en]
0 |(18,320) Incentivizing Breakthroughs (0, +) [en, _ ]
0 |(18,336) Less Mobile Economies (0, +) [en]
0 |(18,882)
Software principles: What do you think software should have? (2, +) [en]
0 |(18,320) Detecting and Reducing Arsenic Contamination of Groundwater (0, +) [en]
0 |(18,504) Personal data collection for learning: We have the means to query data in interesting ways (1, +) [en]
0 |(19,084) Community personality types: I invite you to take a personality quiz and post your responses here so we can match together people who would work well together (3, +) [en]
0 |(18,751) Multimaster replication: How to keep multiple postgres databases in synchronization (1, +) [en]
0 |(18,320) Player Synchronization (1, +) [en]
0 |(19,457) 国民の知的財産: 国々は、色々な企業を自分の投資ポートフォリオとして大事にしているが、国民の個人たちの発明(知的財産)を大事にしていない。しかし、これは大事にすべきである。 (0, +) [ja]
0 |(18,320) Connecting people seamlessly (1, +) [en]
0 |(18,645) Hierarchical society: Minimum wage staff cannot afford their own jobs (0, +) [en]
0 |(18,320) Creating conditions for online voting (0, +) [lt]
0 |(18,320)
Content Reusability Problem (1, +) [en]
0 |(18,320) Self-Directed Learning: How to give credit for people learning while browsing the web? (1, +) [en]
0 |(19,182)
Responsively fast software: Computers shouldn't lag, ever. I am interested in ideas how to speed up the perceived performance of computers. (2, +) [en]
0 |(18,320) Eradicate air pollution in China (1, +) [cn]
0 |(16,711)
Avoiding Widespread Serious Pandemic (1, +) [en, cn, lt]
0 |(18,884) Synthesis: Organising Individual Thinking Before Synthesis (1, +) [en]
0 |(18,320) Realize AI systems with General Intelligence Beyond Human Level (0, +) [en]
0 |(18,320) Work Anytime Anywhere: How could more professions be able to work anytime anywhere? (2, +) [en, cn]
0 |(18,320)
Extropy (19, +) [en]
0 |(18,881) Human self-modification: How to edit our own genome to phenotype, and should we? (3, +) [en]
0 |(18,326)
Homebase Administration (0, +) Base Administration [en, lt]
0 |(18,325) Reducing Risk from Gamma Ray Bursts (3, +) [en, cn]
0 |(18,320) Track personal energy (1, +) [en]
0 |(18,320) lack of business/start-up guides specific to countries other than US (1, +) [en]
0 |(18,707) Metal solubility in distilled water: How soluble are pure metals in distilled water? (0, +) [en]
0 |(18,573) Post Kubernetes world: What does the post kubernetes world look like technologically? (0, +) [en]
0 |(18,324) Monitoring Human Bodies for Health (2, +) [en]
0 |(18,320) Enable open source projects be supported with comparable amounts to startups (2, +) [en]
0 |(18,609) Friending Fear: How to view fear? (3, +) [en]
0 |(19,213) Dressing up future humans: How might we classify clothing elements and imagine new ones? (2, +) [en]
0 |(18,324) Make Accounting Systems Fair (1, +) [en]
0 |(18,320) Options for socially sharing code & math (0, +) [en]
0 |(18,815) Why is it that international companies are allowed to avoid competition but individuals are forced to compete globally?: How do we replace competition for individuals with cooperation and maximum mutual gain (1, +) [en]
0 |(19,130) The Paradox of the Economy: Everything you buy needs to pay for all the salaries and costs of and needs of everyone involved in producing the good. This relationship is recursive. As they each need that from everyone they buy from. So how can there be enough money for everyone? And others need you to do things for them as part of your work (0, +) [en]
0 |(18,320) Making Life Multiplanetary (0, +) [en]
0 |(18,320) Out of print / risk of printing books (1, +) [en]
0 |(18,534) Ethical advertising: We should want to advertise what we do to eachother (2, +) [en]
0 |(18,846) Water Intelligence: What knowledge or information does water carry? (1, +) [en]
0 |(18,320) Business Startup Procedure (2, +) [en]
0 |(18,320) Reducing home heating costs (2, +) [lt]
0 |(18,874) Code complexity and poor interoperability: Addition, calculation, algorithms takes an incredibly small portion of actual code. Most code is unnecessarily there to satisfy the compiler with interoperability of methods, arranging data structures and configuration (1, +) [en]
0 |(18,872)
Write undistributed code that runs distributed: It's often useful to have an abstraction that lets us write code to one way to be silently executed in a different context. Such as writing synchronous code that actually runs asynchronously or concurrently. (1, +) [en]
0 |(16,774) Recover (Re-Embed) Information-Generating Processes (e.g., the Minds) of the Past Into the Future (2, +) [en, cn]
0 |(18,320) Ensuring That Drinking Water Has No BPA/BPB Microplastic In it (2, +) [en, lt]
0 |(18,500) Blockchain Energy-Efficiency: How do we create energy-efficient decentralized computation exchange? (0, +) [en]
0 |(18,320) People's Microclimate and Mobility Problem (2, +) [en, cn, lt]
0 |(18,320) Adjust business market potential estimation processes for risk to societies (0, +) [en, cn]
0 |(18,851) Open Source Hardware: How to make hardware much like free software, so anyone can run it for their benefit? (0, +) [en]
0 |(18,320) Social services data aggregation problem (1, +) [en]
0 |(18,324) Achieving Interstellar Flight (2, +) [en, cn]
0 |(18,320) Online text chat usually a monoculture (2, +) [en]
0 |(18,320) Enabling Time Travel (1, +) [en]
0 |(19,533) Habitability of Inhabitable Locations: How to inhabit uninhabitable locations? (0, +) [en]
0 |(18,320) Solve The 7 Millenium Problems In Mathematics (0, +) [en]
0 |(18,320) Making It Easy to Write Books by Talking (0, +) [en]
0 |(18,650) The Unfairness of Land: Land is owned by a small cabal of hyper rich people (0, +) [en]
0 |(18,320) Ensuring That People Don't Get Bitten By Mosquitoes (2, +) [en, cn, lt]
0 |(18,320) Eliminating Boredom of Online Lectures (1, +) [en, lt]
0 |(18,898) Mechanism of existence: If God exists and there is nothing outside of God then what am I? (3, +) [en]
0 |(19,150) Slow life: In the world businesses are expected to borrow money and pay interest on the money as return for the use of the money. You owe more than you were given. As a result you cannot fail as then you shall be out more than you received. I have sutained motivation for a few days and then I am tired and I want to relax but if I start a business I cannot relax (1, +) [en]
0 |(18,891) Web technologies too hard to implement: A web browser is so complicated that there are over 1200 specs to understand to implement a conforming web browser (0, +) [en]
0 |(19,134) Who pays for your human rights?: Everyone needs shelter, food and to pay their costs of bills. But are these a human right? But surely that doesn't mean they are free as they aren't free to provide (1, +) [en]
0 |(18,558)
Eradicating commuting: How to remove commuting from most people's frame of experience (0, +) [en]
0 |(16,762) Superintelligence Control Problem (3, +) [en, cn]
0 |(18,405) 在线基础教育系统 (0, +) [cn]
0 |(18,320) Conflict Resolution (4, +) [en]
0 |(18,877) Software development doesn't scale: Adding more people to a software project doesn't necessarily improve productivity this is from the mythical man month or known as Brook's Law (4, +) [en]
0 |(18,320)
Optimize Distribution of Wealth (3, +) [en]
0 |(18,403) Humans Becoming Obsolete: Where Will the Information and Computing Resources Asymmetry in AI Lead Us To? (0, +) [en]
0 |(18,337)
Coronavirus (0, +) [en]
0 |(18,865) Rational Drugs Regulation: How to make unhealthy drugs like alcohol, tabacco, etc. be banned for ingestion, and the healthy smart drugs, like piracetam, phenibut, etc. be made legal? (0, +) [en]
0 |(18,320) Ensuring Blood Circulation On Heart Failures (5, +) [en, lt]
0 |(19,154) Motor standardization: How to properly define a small gradient of motor types to power everything? (0, +) [en]
0 |(18,884)
Desired Software: Infinity family has a number of software engineers as members. We need to communicate what we need from eachother so we can build upon each others work. But it would be nice to put together things that people want so maybe a following of people can build them (4, +) [en]
0 |(18,846)
Distributed computing: Distributed computing is typically hard to get right and program for. It requires lots of manual server and client writing (0, +) [en]