Negative Cardinality


A mathematical set property of having less than 0 elements (Just like antimatter in Physics.)


The invention of negative numbers proved to be useful in mathematics. Set operations, however, do not have the idea of having less than 0 elements. We reach the empty set {}, and then stop, but why should we? Imagine a property: subtracting an element that is not in a set creates a potentiality to annihilate such element. Such potentiality could be marked as elements with an apostrophe. I.e., {1,2',2} = {1}.

This idea was inspired by "World’s Most Exclusive Club," when thinking about the super-exclusiveness.

Credits: Inyuki of HalfBakery.


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Negative cardinality is deficit of something, a task yet to be done. It has to do with sequence, then, and time. Really interesting

    :  -- 
    : Inyuki
    :  -- 


Yeah, perhaps it could simplify accounting, or maybe, it could even help make goal-pursuit more imaginary, as everything that's formalized as a set of sets of ... of sets, could suddenly have that imaginary component ("goals are just imaginary assets").