Subscribe Inventions, methods, algorithms, solutions or answers.
+1(18,576) ◻ Cookie cutter society (+) [en]
+1(18,782) ◻
AdLock: In-Game Problems as Advertisement Locks (+) [en]
+1(18,600) ◻ The unfair database: A database of unfairness (+) [en]
+1(18,631) ◻ Televised lectures: On normal everyday televisions should be recorded lectures on random topics (+) [en]
+1(18,637) ■ Synergy Bubbles Social Experiment: Social experiment asking strangers deep questions (+) [en]
+1(18,644) ◻
Blog 2.0: Blog that works on your turf (e.g., server), yet has all the social networking and social media conveniences and capabilities. (+) [en]
+1(18,642) ◻ 6 hour childcare: I think childcare can be collectivised. (+) [en]
+1(18,644) ◻ Social curriculum: A educational curriculum on how to work together rather than compete (+) [en]
+1(18,644) ◻ UE: United Entities: Just like the UN, but inclusive of non-countries: corporations, individuals, etc. (+) [en]
+1(18,652) ◻ Infinity Land trust: Own some land communally (+) [en]
+1(18,966) ◻
Is It Me Test: A way to determine if a copy of a mind is test-indistinguishible from the actual mind copied. (+) [en]
+1(18,724) ◻ Community scheduling: Schedule every human to a residential home that is near work (+) [en]
+1(18,709) ◻ Business Language: Computers are good at executing instructions mechanically but not very good at interpreting business language. We need a serialization that captures what a business does to make money (+) [en]
+1(18,721) ■ Intelectual Property Development Partnership Contract: A type of contract and relationship that innovators could use to create mutually-beneficial relationships with companies. (+) [en]
+1(18,751) ◻ Automated dump and import: We can run a query in each table to dump data that is newer than the last date we checked (+) [en]
+1(18,844) ◻
Negative Cardinality: A mathematical set property of having less than 0 elements (Just like antimatter in Physics.) (+) [en, cn, lt, xx]
+1(19,418) ◻ 発明しりとり閃き7%: 発想を友達と共有する時に、それを記録し、ブロックチェーン上で暗号署名して「ひらめきネット」にアップすると、「発想交流」を職業にすることができます。 (+) [ja]
+1(18,813) ◻ Personalized union (+) [en]
+1(18,842) ■
Human-Dolphin Childspeak Learning: Surround a human child with dolphins chat over sound filter to match human hearing, and get the first human naturally learn dolphin. (+) [en]
+1(18,831) ◻
Online Courses Subsidies: Heavily subsidize MOOCs, and efficiently raise the value of a country's human capital, and reduce unemployment. (+) [en]
+1(18,840) ◻ Societal debt - social credits: Let people borrow £500,000 from the community over 50 years, receiving £10,000 a year or £833 a month (+) [en]
+1(18,843) ◻ Minimum rights as a worker: What minimum rights should workers have (+) [en]
+1(18,844) ◻ Verified skill/accomplishment database: CVs are terrible at proving what you've built or accomplished - employers don't even study them properly (+) [en]
+1(18,853) ◻ Autonomous computer systems: Plug a hard drive or a server into a cluster and it is assimilated automatically (+) [en]
+1(18,854) ◻ Travel computer terminals at all transport locations: This should be an android based computer system that lets you search journeys like Google Maps when your phone is dead. You can also summon a taxi to the transport location or book hotels (+) [en]
+1(19,250) ■ Diagnostic Mosquitoes as Body Boring Machines: Evolve mosquitoes with long proboscises, then photolitographically print a microcircuit to interface with their brain, connect and train a neural net to control it. (+) [en]
+1(18,861) ■ Ecosystem of communities: A network of communities, each governed as a dao, mutually vested, regulated thru nft contracts, neighbor helping neighbor, building common economy as interlinked net of economies (+) [en]
+1(18,861) ◻ Information Density based video speed selection: Watch videos and change their speed (+) [en]
+1(18,869) ◻ Distributed join: To join data together you need the data to be colocated - this idea is to colocate a subset of joined data on each node so that the data can be split up (+) [en]
+1(18,870) ■ Community managed software security model: A community driven, open source, low coding, distributed software model is, imo, next step. However, it inherently lacks security in a traditional sense. Here's one way to address that issue (+) [en]
+1(18,869) ◻ Distributed history search: Rather than indexing the entire internet, index everybody's browsing history to find content (+) [en]
+1(18,874) ◻
Event sourcing and CRDTs as data storage: I think event sourcing and CRDTs can be combined to provide an alternative to the blockchain for general purpose data storage (+) [en]
+1(18,877) ◻ Window walk optimisation: You want to find a job that is near your home transport wise, near a supermarket, doctors that pays the most and has the cheapest house to buy or rent (+) [en]
+1(18,875) ◻
Additive GUIs: Specify the attributes of the GUI and let the computer generate the GUI (+) [en]
+1(18,969) ◻
Periodic Table IQ Score: Define ratio: (technological capabilities) / (highest chemical element number required), to mean a kind of "IQ" score for technological civilizations. (+) [en]
+1(18,882) ◻ World splitting: Imagine there are two points of view - one way to avoid conflict is to put both points of view into practice and try them both to see which is better. (+) [en]
+1(18,882) ◻ Self hosted personal data: My name, address, bank details, credit card number should be self hosted by me or by my data provider - I shouldn't have to give the data to every company that asks (+) [en]
+1(18,883) ◻ Standardised reusable produce container and socket: Our model of shopping relies on N people individually going to a distribution point (shops) and collecting produce to take home and then manually place in a refrigerator or cupboard. What if houses had a standardised socket for produce. (+) [en]
+1(18,888) ◻ Protocol context manager: In big microservice based systems or systems with lots of protocols, you often need to make a change that ripples out through the entire system. If you have X services you send a message between them you have X message schemas. Let's manage the schemas centrally (+) [en]
+1(18,959) ■ Daiktų vamzdžiai: „Šviesolaidžiai“ daiktams (+) [lt]
+1(18,938) ■
Dolphin voice commands controlled equipment: Use the mature voice commands recognition technology in combination with robotics, to see what would dolphins create, if they had the ability to use hands and more. (+) [en]
+1(18,969) ■ Electrochemical Screen: Use use electric and photonic patterning to emulate material surface properties. (+) [en, lt]
+1(18,992) ◻ Bio-evolutionary Hypothesis for Absence of Green or Purple Stars: Take the evolutionary approach, and explain it by narrow spectra of survival-critical (evolutionarilyy rewarding) plants spectra due to narrow-spectrum chlorophyll and retinal. (+) [en]
+1(19,004) ■ Octahoop: A transformative hairhoop as a toy that sparks creative energy (+) [en, lt, CN, RU, JA]
+1(19,007) ◻ Mine life for molecules to treat bacteria: Let bacteria try to infect various plants and animals, see which adapt, and why (what proteins or molecules do they evolve), and apply it to developing new treatments. (+) [en]
+1(19,080) ◻ Good social credit system: Define good behaviour, account for good behaviour, people set minimum good behaviour for entry to buildings and things (+) [en]
+1(19,102) ◻ Temporal mirror: Reversed time mirror as a memory monument. (+) [en, lt]
+1(19,087) ◻ Attention agents: One company knows every product of every other company and uses algorithms and reasoning and quizzes to decide who is suitable for which product. (+) [en]
+1(19,098) ■ [PFE] "identifications" of Product moving dimensions: The 5-IN 5-OUT steps of product dna and id (testing) (+) [en]
+1(19,121) ◻ THE BOOK OF MIRRORS: this is a collection and discoveries over time to record the FINDING DUALS Quest... (+) [en]
+1(19,123) ◻ Schools, Universities and Colleges are business umbrella organisations: The purpose of a school, college and university is to educate. But what if students want to provide services to the general public or other businesses? As parent category attests it's too difficult to start a business. There is so much administration to be done when all you want to do is a job. I propose schools, colleges and universities have umbrella organisations associated with them and provide an ERP and administration software for running of businesses. So the education organisation acts as a sort of bootstrap organisation for providing products and services. (+) [en]
+1(19,127) ◻ Forever tape abstraction: With computers we often have different places to place data that determines how fast or how large the data is. For example, we have the stack, main memory, virtual memory, page files, disk files, buffers, heap, S3, SANs, NFS. Can we create an abstraction that captures the differences of each of these kinds of storage and allows efficient management of each of them and switching between them so that there is an illusion that memory is infinite but efficient. For example, you might want to load chunks from S3 efficiently into main memory and cached on disk. (+) [en]
+1(19,127) ◻ Commit to buy & crowdfunding: Imagine you want something that doesn't exist. What do you do? It should be possible to commit to buy something at a price. Market research and product development is expensive, you need a guarantee you buy something at a price, buying signals are currently invisible. (+) [en]
+1(19,148) ◻ Needcoins: Issue two currencies. The regular currency stays the same but issue a minimum standard or basic income of needcoins when you spend money in a shop the money for needs is taken from your need budget. Anything that you don't particularly need such as coffee or luxury garments is taken from your other account. (+) [en]
+1(19,298) ■ Movable Frame Tetris: Instead of moving the falling brick, move the entire tetris frame in the rain of tetris parts; make the frame walls semi-permeable sometimes, and emulate life form eating bricks, and medical interventions to alleviate clogging. (+) [en]
+1(19,181) ◻ Recursive coordination portfolio: Portfolios are really effective at managing bets and risk. You own a little bit of everything to return as much as you can. What if we could manage our coordinations with others as a portfolio. People could decide to change their behaviour to benefit someone else. Such as writing documentation how some of their code works. Or adding an API (+) [en]
+1(19,196) ◻ Virtual GoodReward thank tokens/shares: Issue tokens to people when they do something good for you, can be redeemed for favours later (+) [en]
+1(19,208) ◻ Coffee shop queue: A large room arranged with efficiently arranged chairs and tables, to be used as a queue, people are called out in turn (+) [en]
+1(19,311) ◻ Investomart: A shop, that lets you overpay for goods you like, to invest the overpay into the companies that made them. (+) [en]
+1(19,651) ◻ 脳愛マッチ: アイデンティティ合成希望者向けの脳出会い系サービス (+) [ja]
+1(19,311) ◻ Autodefibribed: Automated defibrilator as an addon to bed. (+) [en]
+1(20,128) ◻ AI as Quantum Gravity Machine, Implementation of Distributed AI Network-spicetime: we develop a DiAI network called spicetime, a distributed framework for self governance and economic sustainability, rooted in ethics, community oriented, culture agnostic, domain driven (+) [en]
0(18,323) ◻ Financial Think-Tank ("Fintank"): Public self-explanatory, inter-lingual, financial, programmable, hierarchical think-tank (+) [en]
0(18,320) ◻ Emergency Flying Blood Pumps (+) [en]
0(18,357) ◻ Sentry for Human Body: Use a similar approach to what high-availability software systems use. (+) [en]
0(18,320) ◻ Design Viruses That Affects Only Cancer Cells? (+) [en, et]
0(16,707) ◻
Immunopheresis: Remove blood of decoys which cancer cells use to hide from immune system, and get immune system attack cancer cells on its own. (+) [en]
0(18,320) ◻ Mobile Remote Surgery Room (+) [en]
0(18,320) ◻
Design molecules to mimic or inhibit micro-RNAs like oncogenes and tumor suppressor genes (+) [en, cn]
0(18,320) ◻ Detect micro-RNAs like oncogenes and tumor suppressor genes (+) [en]
0(18,320) ◻ Use DNA Nano-Robots to Recognize and Release Drugs (+) [en]
0(18,320) ◻ Sequence Cancer DNA and Do Drug Search (+) [en]
0(18,320) ◻
Ultrasound 3D-Printing Tumor Burning (+) [en]
0(18,320) ◻
Mosquito-Sensing Alarms in Rooms (+) [en]
0(18,325) ◻
Low Tech Mode: A mode in which social systems operate without electricy (+) [en]
0(18,320) ◻
Use Mealworms to Degrade Plastic (+) [en]
0(18,320) ◻ Web Synchronization of Video Player Controls (+) [en]
0(18,320) ◻ High Quality Open Source Video Editing Software (+) [en]
0(18,320) ◻ WikiResearch (+) [en]
0(18,320) ◻ all-social-data (+) [en]
0(18,320) ◻ Simulate universe ex-nihilo: Assume nothingness, and derive everything from it. (+) [en]
0(18,320) ◻ Counteract entropy to reverse time: Evolve intelligence, and hope that it will eventually reverse time. (+) [en]
0(18,320) ◻
Adaptive growth control (+) [en]
0(18,320) ◻
Use skin cells to kill cancer (+) [en]
0(18,320) ◻
Emergency Non-cryo Head Preservation Device (+) [en]
0(18,320) ◻ Aldehyde-like non-toxic fixative (+) [en]
0(18,328) ◻
Cryopresservation: Cryopreserve at high pressure, and avoid fracturing of tissue (?) (+) [en]
0(18,320) ◻ Ordinary Substances, +Concentrated (+) [en]
0(18,325) ◻
On-line courses based on basic-income: Connect basic income with on-line course providers, and profit (+) [en]
0(18,320) ◻ Mobile browser plugin to synchronize controls (e.g., scrolling and thumb location) (+) [en]
0(18,320) ◻
Cryo-Cymatics: Control temperature with microwaves and use ultrasound to control crystallization (+) [en]
0(18,320) ◻ Inductively heated clothing (+) [en]
0(18,320) ◻
Go back to Glass, Ceramic & Metal Packaging, and Eliminate Landfills (+) [en]
0(18,320) ◻ PVC juostų užuolaidos energijos taupymui: Šiltas kambarėlis komfortiškam mokslui ir darbui dideliam šaltam kambary. (+) [lt]
0(18,320) ◻
Homepage 2.0 (+) [en]
0(18,508) ◻
高中开设医学学科 (+) [cn]
0(18,320) ◻ Air Cabon to Diamonds Converter for Cities (+) [en]
0(19,155) ◻ Mod-Laws of Physics: Try to change the laws of physics, and verify if we are at base reality or not. (+) [en]
0(18,320) ◻
Cortical Cryonics (+) [en]
0(18,320) ◻
Regressively miniaturize prosthetic hands, and employ people via VR to control them (+) [en]