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Mission: Global financial think-tank for pursuing goals together.


0 > oo is a place where humans publicly research and develop new ideas, and collaborate on creative projects.

0 > oo is developed on a formula F(X)=Y, World(Actions)=Dream (research paper), and the "Let Everything Exist" philosophy.

This project is the project to manage the development of this very site itself. Currently residing at the domain (and sites), it is an I/O system, that was created based on the aspirations explained in the background story ([1], [2]) (video) of this project, which describes the aspiration to help humanity collectively define and pursue goals, and in this way, create a friendly intelligence, which humanity itself is.

Hoped Outcomes

  • [in 3-5 years] Half a billion people quit their jobs and live by solving problems directly in society, doing what they love.
  • [in 7 years] Major challenges in health, education and work are addressed by innovative solutions suggested, attempted, and part of them further continually developed.

Previous versions of the project are open source and available on

Here's a one-pager, describing the project from a different perspective, with one of the possible paths to scale.




Friends. - Foresight Institute ( - BFI Institute (

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Price: 2.0 ħ
(~ 17.82 USD, without shipping cost)