Parent categories: Viruses.

Preventing Engineered Sleeper Virus

YAML Interest

Equipped with the knowledge about COVID-19, it may be much easier for the biological warfare engineers to design a virus that has long incubation period, and yet much higher mortality rates.

Due to the obvious possibility of a biologically adept organization secretly engineering a virus with the antivirus available only to that organization, it is a realistic scenario for a global catastrophe, where only the makers of the virus survive.

What could we do to avoid this scenario? This category or question is a search for ideas needed to prevent such a catastrophe in advance.

Question asked on Foresight Institute's HiveMind initiative:

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Hey Mindey,

Adeel here.

Couple of angles to this conversation.

Happy to discuss with folks from the military, government and other agencies like FBI.


[genidma], welcome to 0 -> oo! Hope you'll like our community. You may want to subscribe to our discord, or telegram to keep up with new questions, ideas and projects.

// Happy to discuss with folks from the military, government and other agencies like FBI.

This is a public machine-readable forum, so you never know, when someone from government may want to chime-in. I'd suggest editing your profile to add some contact information, if you want someone to contact you, cause, otherwhise, the forum requires no personal information to register :)


// Couple of angles to this conversation.

I wondering those angles ;)