Solutions: A Transdisciplinary Lingua Franca ・ UE: United Entities ・ Non-National Company (NNC) ・ Web-based People's Self-Organization Tool ・ Human Area ・ Supercategories for Public Intelligence Standardization ・ Universal Intelligence System ・ Financial Think-Tank ("Fintank").
0 > oo P&L: -1612.6 (≃ -14366 USD)
0 > oo is a place where humans publicly research and develop new ideas, and collaborate on creative projects.
0 > oo is developed on a formula F(X)=Y, World(Actions)=Dream (research paper), and the "Let Everything Exist" philosophy.
This project is the project to manage the development of this very site itself. Currently residing at the domain (and sites), it is an I/O system, that was created based on the aspirations explained in the background story ([1], [2]) (video) of this project, which describes the aspiration to help humanity collectively define and pursue goals, and in this way, create a friendly intelligence, which humanity itself is.
Hoped Outcomes
- [in 3-5 years] Half a billion people quit their jobs and live by solving problems directly in society, doing what they love.
- [in 7 years] Major challenges in health, education and work are addressed by innovative solutions suggested, attempted, and part of them further continually developed.
Previous versions of the project are open source and available on
Here's a one-pager, describing the project from a different perspective, with one of the possible paths to scale.
- Samuel S., user supporter, via Ideator Membership.
- Aliev A. (back-end software engineer), made what's seen on infamily/infinity1.0 - first version.
- Artem K. (front-end software engineer, made what's seen on infamily/infinity-reactjs)
- WeFindX Foundation [Ireland] ( )
- GlobalMindShare NPO [U.S.] ( )
- Dimension Foundation [China] ( )
Friends. - Foresight Institute ( - BFI Institute (
Operational details
- Distance to goal of enabling people to:
- evolve important questions,
- potentially breakthrough ideas and
- evolving prototypes in projects:
- ↑ their quality and quantity.
- Past
: Birth of Idea at Halfbakery (story: en, ja - motivation description, when in Waseda U).2014-07-02
: v1 started prototype (stopped: 2014-09-02)2015-07-08
: v2 started prototype (stopped: 2017-06-24)2015-10-05
: founded WeFindX Foundation with Ruta, in Ireland.2017-07-16
: v3 started prototype (ReactJS) (stopped: 2019-01-15)2020-02-25
: v4 started multi-domain (Django+Plain HTML) prototype (,,,..)2020-09-20
: Semantic Equation Model (Preprint)
- Present
: v4 is feature-complete.
- Future
- Strategy
- Continued v4 Stewardship
- Ensuring that current feature-set works well, and more efficiently, securely.
- Grassroots Communication and Marketing
- Communication via projects.
- Inviting ideators.
- Inviting solicitors for ideas (researchers, think-tanks)
- Partnerships and Outreach
- have organizations to represent other sites: U.S., China, Japan, Russia.
- Development
- Rewrite the system with high development standards, the v5, as high-performance API-only.
- Advance blockchain features (perhaps run own OpenDAX)
- Continued v4 Stewardship
0.00 USD |
0.00 DAI |
0.00 BTC |
0.00 EUR |
$ 1 782 USD
For the 200 of future shares (out of which, 0.0 immediately)
Reader identity tracking and project stocks listing as products.
People had been concerned about the preservation of authenticity, and proof of time of existence of their ideas, before the time when an insecure browser and the web could peep into.
Proof-posting works with most of the known blockchains, and you can even enter a custom blockchain of your own.
- Forward ideas to mailing list (distribution mode) to preserve a record with one-click, also save to
- Enable subscriptions to categories, and curate specialized lists of people to forward to.
- Make a waitlist landing page + collect emails.
- Collect specialist mailing list for forwarding.
- Make paid posting of ideas.
- ✅ Do something about long page loading speed.
- ✅ Improve idea signing functionality.
- Automatically list future shares that have unmatched time, as products. Rationale: currently, the products feature (which does allow to buy things), is not useful, because buying traditional products is much more efficient with traditional systems. However, project shares are products too, and we have quantified and categorized them, so there are currently: "targets" as fund-able items, funding which, shares are created. So, the "targets" are actually "products", and could be listed as products, to be bought.
Improved the feeds summary a bit.
To increase the signal-to-noise ratio for first-time visitors of the home page, I have hidden menus, and compacted operations, so as to let the eyes focus on content.
However, apparently, some people didn't like it, because it is not clear what to do, so, I mostly reverted the change.
- ⬜️ UX consultation from a professional and UI improvement
- ⬜️ Help video library page where users can watch videos and learn how to use the system
It is now possible to lock targets, create teasers for investment, and share them with potential interested parties.
- Now, target owners can decide when target is ready for investment, and investment is not ready by default.
Now, it the profiles on domains with default language, appear with questions and content only in the currently selected language (or all, if "Panlingual" is switched on), except for the domains that have no default language.
The below is a description, of how does the registering and contacting a user works. Also, how some of the content from conversations with users can be made a part of public or community profile.
Right now, it is more convenient to give someone a link to one's Infinity profile, and expect them to have comfort to review one's ideas and projects, and start interacting.
- New public projects will get notified, just like ideas and questions.
- New results on public projects will get notified to our discussion.
- New comments on public projects will get notified to our discussion, unless they specified their own telegram channels (expected for future very busy projects, to unload the burden from our core channel.)
- ✅ Add instructions and rules to publishing [Issues, Ideas, Projects].
- ✅ Make Drafts appear immediately in home page for logged in users.
- ⬜️ odoo module for syncing the labeled ERP data with Infinity, for this purpose.
- ⬜️ In context of what I've said in one of the Foresight Institute's meetings, -- I think, it is worthwhile to provide the Infinity dataset in a convenient way, for example, by using (instead of Airtable).
- ⬜️ Make it possible to see posts by order of publishing time.
- ⬜️ Filter good posts on 0oo, retrieve tweets by people from target communities, and make a queue for responding to those tweets.
- ⬜️ Add the ability to transform "Idea" <> "Concept", as part of moderation.
- ⬜️ Add Google/Twitter login.
- ⬜️ Send... tweet... send... (once there's data to analyze topic similarity)
- ⬜️ Post the membership card to [kriz]...
- ⬜️ Make to English..? cause we have language-specific domains (,,,,..)
- [⬜️] Crawl a leads site per day, and put them into a pipeline being constructed,
- ⬜️ Start from
- ⬜️ And
- ⬜️ Send custom messages to leads per topic of likely shared interest.
- ⬜️ Begin tracking conversions for registrations. (Perhaps)
- ⬜️ Also, set up uwsgi, caching.
- ⬜️ Interest codes for future.
- ⬜️ Add extra tags for navigation. (As Ruta pointed out)
- ⬜️ Auto-categorization (proposed by [Bassxn2])
- ✅ Make number of [invites] visible to encourage sharing invites.
- ☑️ Epoch Day as date/time.
- [⬜️] Active Outreach:
- ✅ Abstracted away proxy and database configuration.
- ✅ Refactored best practice of scrapy crawler to a standalone scripts.
Now, game registration generates the invitations automatically, when someone solves the game, and it works correctly with all domains.
- ✅ Finalize improvements to registration (get to 0oo registration invite via 3D Maze working as a Captcha)
- ☑️ Start a daily process of crawling a site per day, and sending invitations to the crawled contacts, but for that, I need,
- ⬜️ to revive MetaDrive project, because of [multiple projects] needing leads.
This weeks's update ↑ :) The things that are summarized in the linked target ↗.
Added invite links to topics, so you can easier invite people, and added alternative way to register (via playing a game: will deploy this some time during tomorrow.)
Added as one of the primary domains, so you can use it as main, if you want English be default language. Otherwhise, remains without default language.
- ✅ Enable every type of page: category, idea, project - have chat links to discussions.
- ✅ Beautify those invite links to topics.
- ✅ Colorize and customize dispaly of topics for first time visitors via link
- Display in time in traditional Gregorian calendar for 1st time visitor.
- Removed menu for first-time visitor.
- ✅ Bugfix of currency exchange rates cron.
- 🎉 A 100 USD from a user to fund a project.
- ✅ Remove notifications of private project events from admins channel.
- ☑️ Registration options: via Email or Game.
- ✅ Configured domain for its a better brand in English.
- ✅ Made the page to enable sprints-driven work. calendar to enable decimal week pulse of work. Also, would be good to adapt the computer clock (for that).
- ✅ Created library edtime for even more simplified and neutral decimal time.
- ✅ Made it easier to vote on Issues, not just Ideas. (user engagement)
- ✅ Simplified UI by moving the language choices to the bottom left of the menu, making it easier to understand for first-time visitors.
- ✅ Configured the -- Chinese regional version of the site.
- ✅ Registered -- for niche promotional purposes.
- ✅ Enable previews for results published, so that people in project channels can quickly view the project results.
- ✅ Made background to less dazzling to eyes, to have less strain than plain white.
- ✅ User after-registration onboarding should make sure that they join the channel.
The results are described in the video (click title).
- ☑️ Hash-URLs for unpublished ideas.
- ☑️ Style the drafts and private projects for being able to invite private collaborators.
- ☑️ Limit options of buying (e.g., limit to shop orders, hide B2B orders)
- ☑️ Also pre-translate content.
- ☑️ Add shorter invites (
). - ☑️ use business details to add roadmap to the project (and I guess, other projects: hivecell, xmaze - discuss roadmaps with friends)
- ☑️ Automatic translations for results, targets, transfers (To work 2gether.)
- ☑️ Fix generation of comments bug. (oh, took a day)
- ☑️ Update filters now that more activity is visible in other languages (otherwhise it looks underwhelming)
- ☑️ Change "Interests" to "Issues" - shorter than Interests, captures the nature of our questions.
- ☑️ Added "contact the project owner [..] regarding access" for private projects.
- ⬜️ Think-tanks via Wiki-editable, so we could improve
- ⬜️ LT version - via soc. media.
- ⬜️ Make Telegram bot messages with buttons [+]/[-], and number of comments (like Python and Reddit does).
- ⬜️ Bugfix for language switching from Project pages.
- ⬜️ Need some redis caching for longer pages.
- ⬜️ Video introductions to topics
- ⬜️ Fix management command for FX cronjob to update currency and work exchange rate.
- ⬜️ あしあと(足跡) (footprints) is not a bad feature to increase user engagement with content. (Who looked at my idea: username/IP addr?)
- ⬜️ Beautify invite links to Infinity itself (link copying).
- ⬜️ Make products be able to have nice-looking independent sell pages with
, andBuy-Link
. (can even sell chat link). Have them on/product/ID/landing
. - ⬜️ Encourage people to collect shares of their projects.
- ⬜️ Instructions to share NFTs.
- ⬜️ Easter Egg. :) (in Market)
- ⬜️ Favorite projects, follow projects.
- ⬜️ Auto-generate links for entered URLs in comments.
- ⬜️ TG "Instant view" support
- ⬜️ Community movie watching?
- ⬜️ Ether-ize HOUR.
- ⬜️ Describe "the deal" of "Infinity" (what user gives/gets)
- ⬜️ Membership cards
- ⬜️ "Request access" option to projects, that notifies project channel. (To work 2gether.)
- ⬜️ Bug: fix that "Silently" would select on clicking on text, in Project comments.
- ⬜️ Make comments with replies for all content, not just projects.
- ⬜️ Better voting for Intents (at least).
- ⬜️ Reviewing investment fund funds feature.
- ⬜️ Wallet currency withdrawals (Payouts) feature.
- ⬜️ Allow to select the primary country of the Project.
- ⬜️ Make sure to update progress bar after saving result.
- ⬜️ Limit the queryset of investable results in the transfer.
- ⬜️ Make comment have parent cashflow (target, result or operation), so that we could comment on project targets, results and operations.
- ⬜️ Perhaps notify in project channels about likes on them too?
- ⬜️ Make the added NFT tokens resolve to blockexplorer URLs.
- ⬜️ Making comments hierarchical. Multiparent comments via #~#:text anchors. [7 h]
- ⬜️ Listing shares for sales feature, e.g., as NFTs, or ICOs directly on 0oo.
- ⬜️ Simplify forms for Operations, Results -- not just comments. [15 h]
- ⬜️ Graphical dynamic progress (project moves) representation for investors. [10 h]
- ⬜️ Chat for wholesale transaction negotiations. [10 h]
- ⬜️ Adding content about innovation course as a product. [5 h]
- ⬜️ Targets as products in Market. [10 h]
- ⬜️ Imaginary products in Market. [15 h]
- ⬜️ Think of brining:
- ⬜️ Pioneer (Partner with Pioneer to Incubate Halfbakery on 0 > oo)
- ⬜️ Halfbakery
- ⬜️ OS Ecology (Partner with OS Ecology to build machines on 0 > oo)
- ⬜️ Foresight
- ⬜️ Think about voting on things within iceboxes.
- ⬜️ Cross-lingual CN fonts?
- ⬜️ Upgrade hardware, and optimize uwsgi
- ⬜️ Fix bug: The languages not get generated upon first time of save... Generate languages faster pre_save signal.
- ⬜️ Projects could choose to easily sync comments from TG back to here.
- ⬜️ Rewriting infinity in Remix (web framework) (some day)
Extraneous, situational, to resolve bottlenecks of use:
- ☑️ Group notifications about new work results (to the same channel as transfer verifications go)
- ☑️ Added the ability to add "Note" to invitations on invites page. (10/11)
- ☑️ Added "Unverified" tags to tasks that are unverified. (11/11)
- ☑️ Added "Copy" button to user profile for rocketchat password. (11/11)
- ☑️ Made project comments go to their separate Telegram channels. (ideas are relevant to public, less so are project every day details)
- ☑️ Imrpvoed /sites listing by clearly showing defaults of languages.
- ☑️ Fixed the feature of hiding talks on own project.
- ☑️ Ability to add comments to cashflow events (targets, operations, results).
- ☑️ Add the ability to add Telegram group URL, because some people were putting telegram group link to the telegram group ID field for bots.
- ☑️ Added the ability for private projects to link telegram group
- ☑️ Styling for clarity: system is about thinking, making and trading, so, made the top menu to explain it.
- ☑️ Added CTA to the Think/Make/Trade menu (so users can start creating Interests, Ideas, Projects, and search for Products.
- ☑️ Restrict invitations feature, to only allow the mature users to invite. (Mature=had written
comments, and waited for 24 hours). - ☑️ Add convenience symbols in help text, to facility target/task/op detailing.
- ☑️ Add a step in registration to join a notification channel, because we don't register with emails for privacy preservation, but need notifications.
- ☑️ Added replies for comments in projects.
Made an introductory video about Infinity. This video demonstrates the use case of Infinity for running projects, which is the "MAKE" part from the "(THINK, MAKE, TRADE)" triplet.
I think this may be useful. Take a look ⬆
Primarily, created this script, described here, that is convenient for generating hashes of large folders via a .manifest
file, and .sign
file, that contains line-wise RSA signatures of participants. This final SHA256 hash could be stored in various blockchains for proof of authorship and work.
(Adding the field was very quick, but debugging bash script took some periodically time.)
- Made it is possible to expand comments in home view.
- Made default entry amount is HUR, not HOUR, -- less confusing.
Related tx: etc-0x5bdcab49fccbdbe7af2e3f7b444a06962538...
I'm working on realizing "productization of targets", via this ownership model, as part of funding targets ("bounties for targets", as [kriz] requested).
Checkout cart - make it work.Bounties for Targets.Transition to decimal time. Overview."0oo credit system: enable domains to sell theħ
- i.e., every domain owner, like,,,, etc. to work as system's ħ credit seller.Every user's own personal project must exist to maintain each user's credit amounts correctly, when the credit issuing organization sells them.Add button to charge targets/milestones.
- ⬜️ Landing pages for investors (Landing pages are promises!).
- ⬜️ Virtual Shared Identities. (One user be able to have many accounts.)
- ⬜️ "Make it possible to delete an idea, even if it has comments"
- ⬜️ "Making it possible to delete a comment" (there's an error with old one)
- ⬜️ "Show the IP addresses and users who viewed, when they viewed the first time"
- ✅ "Adding reply name, and ability to point to specific part of comment text." (sentence-wise)
- ⬜️ In Market, only show categories, that have products.
- ✅ Enable notifications for results.
- ⬜️ Adding top categories to topics in front-page for each article, so that viewer can auto-understand that this category is in their interest.
- ✅ Enabling people to buy on easier with various payment methods.
Based on the considerations here, I've improved the package detime, and started using it to display times on "oo". It is possible to see the traditional time by hovering on dates. You can watch the overview about it in this video.
Session #1: We cover the basics about Figma tools.
Just accidentally, added the "Recent" category at the top left, which links to the /topics view, where combined sequence of topics (intents, methods, projects).
I created a simplified UI sketch with steps outlined
I've chosen to use special symbols to allow people to use categories (intents, interests, puzzles) as a classifier for content and products, and reserved urls for them:
- communities: urls starting with
- markets: urls starting with
- shops: urls starting with
Each project can now choose a unique url name as its shop, and each category ("intent") can serve as a community and a market with a unique name:
- What is a community, if not people bound by shared interests?
- What is a market if not buy/sell orders bound by shared category (orderbook)?
- What is a shop, if not part of market controlled by a company or project?
With this kind of realization, the database model stayed almost unchanged, with just a couple of fields added to category and project models, and used to filter the major content types.
How to get goal-aligned interest groups of visionaries, regulators, inventors, doers+financiers to come to "Zero to Infinity" ( from diverse world's economic blocs to form a vibrant community that helps transparently decide the destiny of world's capital flows to realize our mission, helping create "the world where everything could exist"?
How to approach investment relationships into our project and community, so that we have balance between investors from different global interest groups, so that we are not dis-proportionally involved with any single economic bloc or interest group, or intelligence alliance, and function more like a mediator?
- Start a 0oo Usathon (because "oo" usage mechanics seems right for community dynamics to kick in.)
- Before it, create "oo" communities functionality, so that users can set their top category as community, and explore other categories as communities (essentially, generalizing the "Base Administration" functionality to allow any community have their top page like "Questions - Ideas - Projects). (This functionality, I plan to realize using the concept of extended categoriers: Community = Extended Category, Market = Extended Category...)
- Open up the new "oo" repository for community-based "oo" architecture research and discussion of database structure would enable the "oo" become more like a protocol rather than particular application, and help further refactor it, to be implementable in any language.
- ⇡ Currently working on this. Refactoring
module (based on NRV).
- ⇡ Currently working on this. Refactoring
Write a combinatorial refactoring script to automatically refactor 0oo models based on fields into appropriate mixins.
Meeting: having a meeting, clarifying vision, clarifying directions (who works on what) in the big picture: answering -- how would pieces that each of us is working on will combine? Sharing possible work directions.
How can homepage encourage new users to see what the platform is for? (Feedback from 6 people about them feeling overloaded). How can Dream=World(Actions) aka Y=F(X) be more obvious for newbies?
Made detailed wireframes of a new user interface for all main pages and mobile views.
Reflected on 19 people's feedback on homepage sketch V1 that I shared earlier and made a new homepage sketch for logged-in user view, with additional sketches for "Thinking page" (Questions and Ideas) and "Doing page" (Projects).
Homepage that showcases a new behaviour HalfMakery is about (from research questions to a final product, so that inventors live on ideas).
Homepage for logged-in users showcases three columns:
Questions, Ideas, Projects, Products in the middle column,
User's P&L, My Projects, My Interests (meta-categories) on the left column,
Latest Comments and Results (only title) on the right column,
Top menu shows Questions, Ideas, Projects, Products; Languages; Logout.
This doc also includes design idea for a mobile view.
Investor relations development challenge: how to get investors be in partnership with us as patrons? (we don't want investors that are not ideologically buying into our paradigm shifts)
- [-] Write late New Years greetings to friends, inviting to join.
- [-] Also, start systematically inviting people with interests in 0oo topics.
- [-] Finalize , abilities to register customize project url, user and members can set their real name as verified if they want.
Created a google doc that summarises 0oo and key challenges in simple words, includes feedback from 5 on 0oo usability and next steps for collaboration during BFI Trimtab Spacecamp.
Made a short explanation video ⇡ on buying mode on 0oo market, and optionality of buying for transfer of money, or for coownership of results.
2 hours of designing. Some notes:
A few notes: 1. I kept the color palette similar to what is already being used but I just made the colors more trendy and friendly. 2. Added a header that gives an intro to zero to infinity. 3. I added contextual subheading to each type of information (project, questions, ideas) 4. Got rid of what I felt was unnecessary info or things that aren't usable yet. 5. The color palette contains a dark color for body type and a light color for header type. 6. Let me know if you'd like details on font selection. 7. Also made a logo that has a bit more storytelling, and character.
Wrote a piece on how 0oo connects to Living Systems principles defined by a thought leader Carol Sanford and an idea of Regeneration that she promotes in the world.
Improved loading speed, by adding .has_math
to all content types, allowing to know, when to load MathJax, making pages that do not require math support load faster. Also, enabled gzip compression (should have done long ago).
The page now provides database download with a comprehensive description of the tables. Currently added Lithuanian, English, Chinese descriptions.
To make the new visitors understand our directions better, and discover something related to what we do, I started the "External links" section. Note: I tried to make those links be content-rich, mostly not organization pages.
So, we can invite a little more people, without fear that site would slow down because of blocking nature of SQLite. Now, we are on PostgreSQL. However, writes could be faster. Should I move to a new machine? :)
- [+] Create likes for comments.
- [] Write New Years greetings to friends, inviting to join.
- [+] Migrate SQLite to non-blocking PostgreSQL.
- [+] Add links to related community resources (sidebar).
- [] Write New Years greetings to friends, inviting to join.
- [-] Simplify results declaration form. ("like: Summary, Details, URL, Cost (rename to Hours), Currency (rename to HUR as default) [Ruta].
- [-] Make a self-intro video for investors network. For making friends with investor community that would invest into 0oo projects, partner.
- [-] Design member cards and join page.
These votes were all for different comment models. There are a number of things still desired for future:
- Fix the bug of heart color state management after adding or changing vote, then hovering over options.
- The comment should react immediately, without loader.
- Ruta's suggestion about question mark approach.
However, for now, can check out video in the link, how the votes they work.
- [+] Finish the codes for content types. ("making world understandable" side of 0oo mission)
- [+] Add "Scoreboard" views for Questions, Ideas, Projects.
- [+] Order by score and number by default, and provide
option to look the latest activity. - [+] Add challenges feature for projects suggested by [Ruta].
This is all needed for longer term goals to enable public works towards our mission, that involes involving 3 types of communities -- visionaries, inventors and doers+investors.
Added the operations and conversations histories on the home page, so it is possible to review past comments and works in sequence.
Added light color-coding to listings under questions, ideas, projects, to distinguish the content types. See video link ⇡ for details.
Adding math formulas is now possible, like so: $$f(x)={\frac {1}{\sigma {\sqrt {2\pi }}}}e^{-{\frac {1}{2}}\left({\frac {x-\mu }{\sigma }}\right)^{2}}$$ The Markdown syntax has been supported on 0oo for a long time, but there were problems with them in translations. Fixed both of these issues.
Just finished the feature suggested by my brother -- basically, problem was that people, who just want to keep up with some single particular topic, had no option to do that. Now they do. :) Click on the title to see result demo. Perhaps it'll make this place a little more useful for casual visitors.
Added support for flexible way for projects to register their contributions coming over various channels, so as to enable public tracking of multi-stakeholder, multi-ledger, multi-currency projects. (subtasks log)
Created a community reader at, so we can read external sources in a form that makes it easy organize and reshare to 0oo for deliberation.
For the first time user to understand what's going on, had modified /welcome page, for it to more clear, styled add Question/Idea/Project buttons and search fields in homepage.
Wrote and published a paper (pre-print), named "Big Picture for Everyone: The relationship between the equation model and base vectors for mapping human semantic space."
For purpose of the market, i.e., what's currently on . That is, because the interface of the market is radically different, and would be the priority index for many "normal" people, who just want to find people, companies and products. So, it merits a convenient direct access point.
Created a kind of shares of this project, that people can order, to become a part of the project.
These shares would provide certain rights and responsibilities, and entail a particular relationship ("membership") with the people within the 0oo, as the 0oo is geared to become "a community as a product" type of project.
What kind of community are we?
(answer to be drafted in a document)
If you feel like you would be part of such a community, get a share to support its creation.
Stock: +1.0,
2 days, approx 16 hours at 50$/hr.
human time, (2 work days)
human hours
human hours
Mostly 14 x 50 human hours
14 human hours @ say 50 eur/hr.
Regarding Infinity project, which of these domains do you like most, when it comes to English version of Infinity?
My little survey :)
I wonder, if people want threading comments on Infinity? Could it be that lack of threading in comments is preventing conversations?
For example, Reddit has threading. Twitter, while looks linear, has light threading too. LessWrong has threading as well... However, Halfbakery works perfectly fine without threading comments. So, do we really need comments threading?
I think I'd like to add notifications for targets, because targets are like "I want to do this next", and they are worthy knowing about. However, they should optional or come in the comments channel instead of the main channel, because wants are less substantial and actionable than results: results can be reviewed by others, so they are more worthy of main channel attention.
Alright, so the correct event page is:
Oh, really! Let me make it public as soon as I'm home.
That link is private it doesn't work for me.
Well, let's try, here's a link to an event I've just created:
What do you think? Should we have a different date/time?
Yes, Mindey! Eventbrite is the best at reminders. Having an event page to register also makes it easy to invite others.
Alternative could be a Meetup profile where we host virtual futurists meetups! In cases if many people would join, with Zoom it's easy to bring people into breakout rooms for cozier sharing between 2-3 people.
I think we should do it! It's a great thing to do, and I'm sure we'd have what to share.
Should we have some kind of eventbrite invitation for this? They are good at reminding subscribers :)
I wonder, if people would like to restart oo community calls? terms: all participants would share progress about their projects :)
such method we use with [malü] between ogiziu and Instinto Creador projects for the past month, and it helped us truly to evolve together!
we typically connect for 1 hour on a video call and each of us share:
1) what each of us did last week,
2) what each of us will do next,
3) any obsctales or challenges.
anyone would like to connect in oo community calls this way?
I have an impression, that Infinity requires the expertise of at least 3 kind of communities:
There is more, like the products part, but at this time, taking the cultures of community focusing the first 3 things would be most beneficial, I think.
Agree how important is to be "in motion" for the oo as a system.
Hmm, I'm not sure about "ideas in motion", because how often people work on somebody else's ideas? People need incentives to do that. More often people work on their own ideas, or just projects, where ideas unfold later in the experimentation process.
To me, an interesting measure of value of the oo system would be: Link-Building, i.e. how active the network is? How often members comment and collaborate on each other's posts? The more diverse links between members posts, the more diverse creative thoughts sparked, the more quality content on the system, the more retention to the system, the more engagement, the more referrals.
Overall, I see the health of the oo system being - links and relationships between each others that spark creative thoughts for everyone.
Btw - improved replies to specific comments are useful!
Thinking of the major KPI for our system, I think, is the "ideas" and "ideas in motion", where "in motion" - means, that they are actively being worked (e.g., has periodic updates).
Btw., you can reply to comments and ledger events directly, so it is possible to form specific threads and respond to works, etc.
Note: Contacts of innovator communities:
Alright. I've added paths:
to serve as place for public invites (so, for example, clicking on or leads to the public invite.)The text inside the invite links does not disappear after the invite is used, so they remain accessible, and any old invite link is still readable, or do you mean we need a nicer URL for it, like or something?
Thanks! Oh and I meant - can invite page text be accessed easier on the website and shared with people?
The oldest one is here, however, there's the (paper) (on the equation model), which supersedes that design.
Where is the Whitepaper of 0oo? I'd like to share it with a friend (but without an invite, just text to read). It would be useful to see Whitepaper linked in the footer of the website and in the 0oo project description :)
I got it. This may be useful. What about using "Hide from Public" checkbox in the results to use as drafts? Selecting this allows to hide it from everyone who are not in the "members" of the project (but it will still get a notification in project channel). I'll consider adding this feature in next iteration.
The way I'm doing it, is that I list the items that I have completed by editing a target, just adding bullet points in it, and then, writing an update as a result with more details.
feedback request:
I'd like to be able to add "drafts" to "results". because I love lifelogging my tasks in my project pages when they happen. with drafts, I could improve my result declarations - I could find time to record a report on each result later, and turn a draft into a public result declaration later.
"Let Everything Exist" philosophy should be linked to 0oo project :)
People decompose and run projects. So, every project is made up of some components. For an arbitrary example, such "parts" could be:
These are random categories, but imagine that some project somewhere in the world has teams of people dedicated to take care that these particular components, so that they function reliably. I think that reliably working components are the essence of scalable value to society.
Each different project will usually have very different set of such said "parts" to function and evolve, and if we want to create some new product through a cooperation of a lot of various people, we need to have a way to organize the graph of parts and involvement, so as to be able to credit everyone correctly, and strategize transparently.
So, how this may look like on 0oo? Well, I suppose, initial tree management could be provided under the "Business Details" section in the project settings, using markdown-syntax to describe a tree (for example, HiveCell may have a tree of physical parts (click "Business Details" under it), and teams responsible for each, and 0oo may have microservices and teams responsible for them as parts, and so on.), which we could later parse, and use as classification options for project results and operations.
In summary, the decompositions is something to think about, when thinking of any project. For now, there's just this basic way of doing them using "Business Details" section of project. I'll think how to elaborate on it later on.
[Ruta], yeah "Making" makes more sense, so renamed it to "Making" ;)
// "Distribution" suggests retail distribution of goods into supermarkets. what's the intention of that type?
It's intended for anything that's mean to be scaled -- for example, distribution "content distribution" focused project would possibly want to scale the impact of an art, or "product distribution" would be focused on delivering the made products at scale.
RE types:
[Mindey], I like Making as a type, way more comprehensive than Manufacturing (which suggests big factory manufacturing, which is so far away of how art is made). hmm, Distribution suggests retail distribution of goods into supermarkets. what's the intention of that type? perhaps a more comprehensive one could be created :)
it would be useful somehow organise related Puzzles with potential parents and children, to make it easier to navigate related topics!
// I want to add an art project, it's purpose is societal impact, so perhaps a Type "Society"
Usually, art for social impact is a kind of making (~= manufacturing) and marketing (~=distribution) of perceptions. :) I think, if an art project is about making a new art piece, it could be generalized by renaming the "Manufacturing" category into "Making". Then, Art kind of falls under "Making" If a piece of art is widely distributed (like via a Tweet) to reach social impact, it can even fall under "Distributing" category.
Type when adding Projects is missing. If I want to add an art project, it's purpose is societal impact, so perhaps a Type "Society"? Same with community projects, they don't fit into current types now :) Perhaps "Society" or "Social Impact" would cover both - art and community - projects?
// Would it be possible to make it so, that other organisations could set up membership-based websites on top of Ooo
Yeah, [Ruta], in fact it is very possible to make a category into a domain, like has been domain, allowing users to set their domain, however, sharing single database. I'm still considering best initial way to implement communities functionality, and think about it. :)
// create "oo" communities functionality
Hello! I'm curious about this. Would it be possible to make it so, that other organisations could set up membership-based websites on top of Ooo and pay a monthly tax (based on their revenue from memberships) to 0oo for providing such infrastructure? What would be customisable? Could it be made so, that these views - Homepage, User Profiles, Project page - are customisable?
I'd be interested in this as KOKONO. Also, if clear documentation provided on how to customise the design (even for design/development colleagues), I believe many micro organisations who facilitate online learning and online communities would be interested in this too. At the moment, tools like Discord, WordPress, Kajabi, Circle, ... are used.
Comment order is reversed in the market, but let's see. It can easily be done, and I think best to be per-user customizable. ;) Very much looking forward to evolving the UI/UX, so, you can start such topic, just tick the "Base Administration" box ;)
Let us please reverse the comments order =) to see the latest first. Also [+comment] button better be on top. I want to start a project about 0oo UI upgrade.
I kinda wish to have:
N-way testing of the homepage: the homepage of 0oo is currently appearing just one way, however, by changing the top category, like, it can appear completely differently. So, in actuality, if we knew a little bit more about the person visiting, like what search engine keyword they had entered, we could display a different topic version of 0oo on the first visit. And, after all those categories can work a bit like different reddit sites, except, it would actually display the important questions, ideas and projects(companies) in each broader subject domain... and that is so easy -- just passing category ID, e.g., Cyberspace:
■ ■
We could make markdown-only export, or even -- live .md copies on Syncthing -- so that anyone could open entire 0oo content as a knowledge graph on Markdown editors like I mean, we could generate something like this quite easily, as a feature of data export.
I was also thinking the other day, about having the content of 0oo live as GitHub repository pages first, not on a single repository, but on repositories of many people (the authors of topics) (so someone like [chronological], who likes to keep his ideas on his own GitHub repo, could edit it there).
One special thing here, we have multi-lingual markdown pages, that have special extra syntax, allowing to combine versions of multiple languages into a single page.
■ ■
So, I think it would be good to add voice versions of topics and comments, so that someone could simply play entire 0oo stream. The mp3 files could be easily generated with GoogleTTS API, like an audio book. Considering that voice is quite popular, some people may want to listen the conversations here. It's fun that this would have to be done to the versions in all languages.
Additionally, we could add Speech-To-Text (like with, so that someone could simply record a comment, and have it transcribed and translated to other languages, generating other language speech versions automatically.
■ ■
[justinmiyamoto], your result appears to be either not public, or incorrect. What I'm seeing is this. I suppose, your result is about a UI design or improvements? Try making google drive link publicly visible.
I've got to mention, that the way 0oo works as a HomeBase, is a bit inspired by my favorite game, called "X-COM: UFO Enemy Unknown", where humans have to manage bases to defend Earth from Alien Invasion with management of resources. So, that's why each project has "Locations" (click image next to "+[Transfer]"), and my old idea of "Goal tracking and resource management" database. :) Anyway, there were really many things in fact, that inspired it. That fun could actually start in real, if we realize this idea that could be like an economic X-COM for good.
A feature to mark solved or archived Challenges would be useful. I don't like deleting because it's valuable to see that there was a Challenge and now it's solved or not relevant anymore.
Some comments, those that are responses to challenges, may appear in different color, and be showable under those challenges, cause that part works a bit like quora? I think, we should also make an option then for the resolved issues to disappear from the home page.
Just let users set their project's url name, so that projects, ideas, etc. could register their handles, e.g. the could map to if
handle is registered.■
Love that. Having online meetups for:
would be useful and help people find collaborators and get into feedback loop to move projects forward.
Instead of a Calendar, it would be cool to have a button somewhere that people click to announce about willingness to connect on Zoom.
Maybe it can start as a generic Question "Online Meetups for 0oo" where 0oo users comment when they want to come together on a call.
Right, that makes sense, it's usually done through certain timed online activities, that would be easy by combining Zoom + Google calendar. However, I'd think it might be not fun if the number of people is too small. E.g., if just 3 people show up :) It would be more fun if there were say 8 people or so to start with, so, I'd think, well, plan it for the future. Good direction though.
In addition, I imagine there are different kinds of meetings: - (for goals & ideas) sorting and voting on them, helping discover new links (related works), and free talking - (for projects) there are people who might want to catch up periodically about their project progress, almost like startups, and consult each others.
One of the shortcomings of the Airtable-based calendars is that they do not show the details of the event, only name, when added to calendars, so I don't know how many people actually subscribed to them.
Idea for feature request:
Having a time limit focuses everyone to think creatively and creates a bond between strangers fast.
I used to moderate live twitter chats for hundreds of strangers. Worked great!
Regarding comment likes/dislikes, do we want to be able to see, who liked/disliked? :) I think yes, because people care to know who read them, without explicit replies.
Or, better, make read-receipts, so that anyone can optionally just add a "tick", to indicate they had read, leaving the likes to be for evaluation rather than read-receipt indication.
// "Dream=World(Actions)" at the top.. //
Yeah, and good visually! Totally makes sense. It's a to-do. ;)
I added a challenge: How can homepage encourage new users to see what the platform is for? (Feedback from 6 people about them feeling overloaded). How can Dream=World(Actions) aka Y=F(X) be more obvious for newbies?
Suggestion: On homepage, add "Dream=World(Actions)" instead of "FEEDS Items created in last 7 days are in bold." to communicate the purpose of the platform. See this photo of what I mean
Great to see likes on comments feature realised! I wonder, does it make sense to transform "-" into "?". This way "+" means agreement and "?" means a request to clarify a comment. This way it's more constructive and encourages commentators to continue discussion rather than disagreeing which ends the discussion.
// How do Weirdo Creative Futurist Dreamers come and join those events?
Well, events obviously need calendar links, that we could display alongside them. :)
Great, love it! So how do Weirdo Creative Futurist Dreamers come and join those events?
:) I thought, regarding events, we have a place for events :) . I'm thinking, we could use it. The Lifeboat Foundation uses its "what's new" "( ), where they share various news they find and relevant to their audience. We could do too. Then link those events with Questions / Ideas / Projects, the readers of which may find it interesting to participate in them. E.g., if we have a topic on Finance, finance discussion events may be auto-linked, if it is something about art, then art exploration meetings could be connected, etc.
// I suggest to add inter-disciplinary discussion as a benefit here //
Of course, that is one of those magical things about the place and generality of its structure -- it is to cultivate the truly interdisciplinary thought. :) It could be a truly unique benefit: I think the core of 0oo must the "weirdo creative futurist dreamers", and others be more of a supportive periphery, i.e., regulators/investors/financiers -- be the ones who say "ouch" or "go ahead" -- with their regulatory or financial actions, meanwhile leaving the creative spirit to be what it is.
// desire to discuss science and engineering publicly //
I suggest to add inter-disciplinary discussion as a benefit here. There are places on-line for scientists to talk.
But where is an open place on the Internet (or in the world) to discuss sciences, arts, design, engineering and business, all together?
It does not exist. So who would disagree that such a diverse mix of thinking would produce unexpected ideas and projects? Great offer for those who like to think and create.
Thanks for great suggestions towards the tackling the challenge, [Ruta]. All great suggestions, though, I have doubts about one:
// Countries with less resources have more urgency to get involved in a new initiative like 0oo, compared to Western countries and busy cities with too-much-going-on
The scientific research being well-funded in the West doesn't imply that there is no desire to discuss science and engineering publicly. On the contrary...
Yes, there are little known universities, that had nevertheless produced exceptional talent. The talent is not so much a function of "university", but rather, of the specific individuals that end up there (likely due to their family and extracurricular education, not because of the university). So, I'd rather not focus on on-boarding universities, but focus on those individuals, as you once said
.RE challenge:
// How to get goal-aligned interest groups of visionaries, regulators, inventors, doers+financiers to come to from diverse world's economic blocs? //
Structuring community development in stages helps and leaves time for relationship development and enjoying the journey. I suggest to start with the most important group first: visionaries and inventors (so that 0oo is filled with topics to discuss and drive projects from). Then moving to doers+financiers. Lastly, to regulators.
How to discover visionaries? I suggest to contact universities in locations that get less funding for R&D. Students have time to think, research and develop. Countries with less resources have more urgency to get involved in a new initiative like 0oo, compared to Western countries and busy cities with too-much-going-on. Simply sending emails to student unions, R&D programmes, open innovation programmes in universities is doable. Starting with 1 student union.
In terms of "goal-aligned groups", I suggest inviting non-profit organisations that research Sustainable Development Goals and/or have "100% of life" and similar in their mission statements, to share their research projects on 0oo so that they get input from the crowd, also invite researchers to use 0oo for cross-pollination of ideas and research questions.
Feature request:
Adding labels (meta-categories) to all types (Questions, Ideas, Projects) would allow users to see diversity of thinkers and quickly realise how to make a useful comment
Meta-categories could be: Science, Economy, Culture, Education, Art, Philosophy, Technology
For example:
if a question talks about flying to Mars, this question is labeled as Science
if a question talks about improving roads, it's labeled as Economy
if it talks about human traditions and rituals, it's labeled as Culture
if it talks about making learning more fun, it's labeled as Education
if it talks about social norms and creative experiments, it's labeled as Art
if it talks about new ways of thinking and mental models, it's labeled as Philosophy
if it talks about new technologies, it's labeled as Technology
What other meta-categories would help group everything shared on this website?
■ ■
Feature request from [Ruta]:
Feature requests:
Emoticons in comments
Background colour on homepage section "operations" to match a background colour of "results" within a project page
Amazing to see Challenges feature realised! So useful when asking for help from strangers. I just posted my first Challenge in SAME project.
I need a <3 button for comments. Yeah, [Ruta], that's exactly the kind of functionality that I'd love to add. (⇡)
in near future, it'd be cool to facilitate funding people directly via 0oo platform for the results they declare realising projects.
this is how it could work:
1.Funder discovers whom to fund
a funder prioritises projects by category (arts, sciences, innovation, etc) and chooses a Project to fund
first, a funder browses through all research questions, ideas, projects and discovers an Individual (or a few) that they like and decide to:
fund that user directly with a recurring donation
form a project with that user with a recurring donation attached to it
2.Funder clicks a button to make a recurring monthly donation of chosen amount to that user or a project
3.User keeps on declaring results to the Project and gets a recurring donation to a wallet that allows to cashout (transfer the money to their online bank or paypal)
this feature would suit perfectly for matching artists/independent researchers with philanthropists/patrons who already provide "residencies", "bursaries", "stipends", "donations" in programs part of universities, research centres, art centres
So, as [Ruta] has pointed out, projects may benefit from having "Challenges" (like KPIs or targets for projects), and I think, additionally, we could have something of a "Leaderboard" view or sort option for projects at I agree that this would be great things to add, and yeah, on the to-do list for projects.
Allowing a user to add a link to Library would be useful. Why? Because we read articles and they spark ideas and questions.
Similar functionality like Instapaper/Pocket, that allow to add a link to one place to read it later.
A form to declare Results is difficult, this prevents newbie users of sharing results.
Could this be simplified and include only:
Summary (rename to Result to keep it consistent, i.e. on Project page a button says "Result", so keep it here too)
Hours Spent (merging Costs and Currency, making hour declarations as a default)
(hiding all other fields until users learn to Declare Results and Hours)
User interactions on the project level are essential. Because when a project grows, users are motivated to keep on creating. It's a feedback loop. But it's weird to ask if each project needs help. So users end up working on their project solo, which is slow effort.
So how about this solution:
"Challenge" button within a Project page that allows a creator to comment on what are the current challenges/needs for their project?
This way other users (doers) can simply respond to Challenge and submit Results.
This would spark spontaneous cooperation between all users spread across many different projects and create a synergy moment, where by doing small tasks, together, these users kickstart all projects to the next level.
The same behaviour can repeat on the same level and shape cultural norms, i.e. instead of being stuck people would organise to help each other and solve all global challenges.
Feature requests:
Add "Culture" as a Type for Projects.
A way for users to "Archive" a Question or Idea by clicking a button "Archive" (so that it becomes a "silent" post but not visible on Home page), in cases of merging, duplication or even when a user realises that a previous post is not relevant anymore. Archived posts could have a label "archived" in headline or something.
A button asking a thinker to "Clarify" a Question or Idea.
Make adding existing Ideas to existing Projects easier (now, Ideas are added as number-codes, which sometimes creates an error).
Enable seeing "Revisions" of what was edited when updating a Question and Ideas, because it shows a thought process of a thinker and is interesting/valuable to see for other users (e.g. WordPress websites have this function for blogging, Medium might have this function for blogging too..)
A button "Invite a Member" to a Project.
Have sub-projects under Project, in cases if a project is a community/membership project.
Feature requests:
Scroll to Top button/icon on mobile
Selecting existing Project for existing Idea
Feature request:
Feature request:
Feature Request:
Now, I click on a username and end up on their profile page, I click on "Start chatting" and end up here, so I send a message, but a user is not online, while a user may be online on Telegram, which would spark a clarification of a comment straight away
[Ruta], got it :) Will add that into work queue. ^__^ Makes a lot of sense. 7HUR = 70 USD -- yes, almost. The exchange rates are computed hourly, at /rate.
Feature request:
Last feature request:
One more feature request or clarification:
// emoticon to appreciate, like, agree, disagree with a comment // @user or [user] or smth else
Haha. Makes sense. Will add these. Definitely, not always one needs to respond, one may just want to add a <3 or ThumbsUp.
Feature requests:
a symbol or emoticon to appreciate, like, agree, disagree with a comment without a need to respond to it via text comment
a symbol to mention a user, like @user or [user] or smth else
The advances in decentralization and clear 0oo database model, makes me think that we could decentralize this system, but it has to be a new effort of its own.
I think we should partner with on the ledger (projects ledger) side, and should discuss about desired generality, as we have on 0oo. Also, consider collaboration with, as they provide the ability for companies do nearly all business operations by themselves, and companies running Odoo could easily publish parts of their data from ERP to 0oo for public. (We should write an odoo modules for that, for all ERPs.)
I think logged in users need a reader, that would allow to read external sources, and choose what to import to 0oo. For example, the view like
could let us use like a reader of Halfbakery, with special button, to import the ideas that we like. Similarly,/reader/projects
may let us browse and read companies, etc.This would allow the users of to work like researchers, browsing external questions, ideas, projects, and importing the gems for discussion and work here.
It's almost like our community would have a data-lake of external data sources, and be able to import things worth paying attention to for our community.
I think, we should operate as a global and free public service, because this type of site, like Wikipedia, serves like a basic infrastructure for public politics, innovation and work. While usually public services are limited to specific countries, they, like the payment processor services, can also be engineered to support multiple jurisdictions simultaneously...
Make OpenERP have REST APIs, and get companies listed as and get them automatically list their products on ?
Current questions for 0oo front end:
How can UI work as an ice-breaker and encourage people to post humourous responses?
What types of ideas there are? So that diverse people feel welcomed to share their idea on 0oo.
Thinking, of double strategy: business that funds decentralization encryption of user data from being able to see itself, and funds decentralization and dis-own-ment of its services.
Why? Because it's the amount of funds needed for development of the decenralized solution is large enough, that can only be funded as part of the business operations.
A few thoughts on time banking: _ "Money would then be defined as 'uncompensated hours' - public debt to a person, which it covers by giving the right to buy the results of other projects for them ..." _
[video] (
What is important is that in this case people could make valuable (traceable work) money :)
Kelios mintys dėl laiko bankininkystės: "Pinigai tuomet apsibrėžtų kaip "nekompensuotos valandos" -- visuomenės skola žmogui, kurią ji padengia duodama teises už jas nusipirkti kitų projektų rezultatų..."
Kas svarbu, tai, kad tokiu atveju žmonės galėtų vertę turinčių (atsekamų darbų rezultatų) pinigų pasigaminti :)
Now, I'm thinking, that the /products section of 0oo could work a bit like CraigList, but supporting people's own payment methods, or tokens of approval of payments.
// I feel that I can see some ideas and information, but I don’t understand the feeling of what is going on,
In fact, in this way, the home page acts as a kind of "inbox". Therefore, if you comment on some past ideas, you will see that there are unfinished topics on the home page. How do you see it? It's because there are new comments that haven't been read in black.
Usually, you can check once a week to see if there are any new and interesting contents, or subscribe to RSS. Other descriptions are in /about.
We don't have a description video in Chinese yet. Ready to make one :) Then, may you need a function to subscribe to comments?
// 感觉能看到一些思路和信息, 就是看不大明白咋回事咋操作的感觉,
I feel that I can see some ideas and information, but I don’t understand the feeling of what is going on.
感觉能看到一些思路和信息, 就是看不大明白咋回事咋操作的感觉,
Thinking, for the ideas, it would make sense to connect with Ethereum via Metamask, to optionally sign innovations as ERC721 tokens...
Focusing on equipment and materials... would answer most questions about know-how...
Yeah, we need open and transparent direct trade and product exchange.
Thinking -- when importing data about production, to connect actual manufacturers directly with the market, not via distributors, but via Homebase :)
Thinking -- whenever dealing with currencies on 0oo, it's think of doing so like making friends with the people who issue those currencies. Economies are relationships...
Thinking of the further features:
For general user: great value is in the ability to immediately contact many bright minds for feedback to your well-crafted message. We already have some people on Telegram, that we can simply invite to a Zoom meeting, and share about the overall notifications business (namely, that once someone will publish, they will get notified on Telegram, and are invited to provide feedback to the posted item.). So, while we had invited people already to the Telegram channels, they are currently not informed about this mechanics, and what they have to do once they get notification about a new topic on 0oo. We should therefore organize Zoom meetings to start this process.
For researchers, is the full database (e.g., SQLite) download (or just equivalently API serializers with downloader).
At this point, I think in the exchange section, it would be strategically advantageous to focus on trade of tools and equipment that empowers people to make and scale in markets, because these things are what creates value in societies.
For example, trading of power tools, industrial equipment, like mining equipment, farming tools, medical tools and equipment, laboratory equipment, mass production equipment, chip manufacturing equipment, etc., -- these are the transformers and enablers, that make modern life possible. They are what will eventually help understand the know-how graph.
Trade focus: - industrial equipment and materials, - medical equipment and materials, - lab equipment and materials.
// 0oo meaning: from zero to infinity ?
Yeah, who said we should be doing 0 -> 1, if we can do 0 -> ∞? Those who do 0 -> 1, usually don't get the benefit of scaling, and stay poor. Zero-To-Infinity, means a focus -- both to create things that didn't exist before, scaling it. :)
0oo meaning: from zero to infinity ?
So, now, we're starting with actual project's sharing, sharing of it with people in problem domains, to get people solve problems together.
// How about making a Telegram bot that posts an Idea, ..., or even a Comment without me going to my browser? It would save me time on mobile for sure..
I think it would make most sense to have a Telegram bot for each Category, Idea, Project, and so that comments posted in them would automatically be synchronized with autogenerated Telegram channel for the topic.
However, that would mean creating a new Idea would have to be like creating a new Telegram channel. This could be done by Telegram API. However, that kind of bot would have to automatically create new users on Homebase, using usernames of Telegram users, and do something sane when there are multiple users with same usernames, basically generate accounts on Homebase. The recipie to automate creation of group is:
And, I think this would not make sense by default, only perhaps to be customly enabled for certain ideas, when the conversation size reaches some point.
How about making a Telegram bot that posts an Idea, Project, Category or even a Comment to any of existing Ideas, Projects, Categories without me going to my browser? It would save me time on mobile for sure..
And here are the tasks planned out for tomorrow, at least from my side :) I feel like I need friends who would like to become administrators.
Among the todo items, is improving the rendering of the Markdown. Currently line breaking doesn't work as expected, sorry for that. Will fix it. Maybe let me write here Or, better use Dynalist? Actually look at the "Bug report" on the left.
Appears like a lot of content needs to be cleaned up, or [marked-for-deletion].
Apparently, that single-page application didn't work out very well. Issues are numerous. For one thing -- someone who just wants to share a single page with someone, makes them download a whole app, just to show a single page.
So, now, finally 2020, I have decided to try to rework it in plain Django, right here, on, without any additional JavaScript. ^__^ Let's see how it goes~
Btw., so, I'm still considering, where to put the backlog. Maybe it should be on whatever we use, like, e.g., I use Dynalist. Or, if we use GitHub's issues, it would be nice to put day-summaries here as task results.
Hey, guys! So, after a little long time, Infinity is in a fresh new reworked version, and on a new domain Feel free to comment and ask questions. :)
I spent {3} :), and expect it will take another {?0.5}.
i have edited my comment.
I think this project is interesting one in there.
Consulted ourselves {0.2} hours ;) {?0.1} And video: {0.3}:
[aliev], [ruta], long time ;) Are we still getting notifications?
[ruta] to be able to share a random e-mail conversation on infty just cc-ing it to our e-mail address would require the ability to parse, which part of e-mail describes problem, which describes idea, etc. within a bunch of e-mails forwarded, and one email may have many ideas, and many problems, so, random e-mail to - and infty automatically sorts out what is the problem, what is the idea, etc? If we had this capability, why wouldn't we just throw any information from the web at it, and let it automatically figure this out? :) (I don't say we won't be able to do this in the near future, but not in the nearEST.)
As for human-assisted interaction, I think it is easier. E.g., I am thinking, how to write my ideas in my wiki, and just mark them up with some syntax, e.g., {:post it on infty|this is the content:}, so that my wiki would use infty API to post it for me.
So, we could support special tags, that people who write e-mails could use it when they forward e-mails to, and then, if they are really users of infty, and their e-mail is coming from expected sender, we could create content item(s) based on it.
Guys, I was thinking how to make it easier for people to share on infty.
People have thoughtful discussions over email. We have time to think about what we want to say over email because we're not forced to respond just like we're over real-time chat. Why not make it easy to add such email conversations to infty by allowing people to cc ? This way people wouldn't need to leave a space where they have conversations but they could still preserve the knowledge on infty, and share it.
( works similarly, you just cc an AI)
[Mindey] [aliev] [george]
One idea from the past by [aliev]: if a comment looks like a milestone, or a task, we should make it possible to convert it into it.
Did you realize that people can actually stay anonymous while using infty? For discussions, I think this is a good thing. It is possible to register a free GitHub account, and to register with GitHub, a person only needs an e-mail. There had been an attempt on Citizendium to use real-name-policy, but Wikipedia seem to do just fine with anonymous authors... [ruta], [aliev]
The graph above, currently is not representative of the project as a whole. However, I will try to make it such some time soon. The problem with evaluating the vaue of the Infinity project, is that it has the potential to affect diverse fields. We're talking millions of startup companies to be created via Infinity project.
Btw., regarding the possible ways for getting return on investment into Infinity:
[Eimantas] Hi, welcome to try out our updated site ;) Btw., how it is going with Crrency?
Now we have the essential features: 1) knowledge framework, 2) true multilinguality, 3) credit system.
A technical executive: "You have a tool to solve problems... What problems?"
"Any. Personal or global. Personal, let's say you want to quit your job and start your own business. You'll spend days, weeks, months, sometimes years talking to your friends and family about your problem, but quite often you won't do anything about it and stay where you are -- at the problem mode. The same applies for global problems. Let's say you are annoyed by seeing rubbish on the street. You keep complaining to your friends, but don't do anything to improve situation. With Infinity, you get a structure to move away from the problem and take action to get what you want," I said.
An accountant professional: "So, how does it work? You have a problem, then think about a solution, project, milestones and tasks, you say. With our business, the hardest thing is implementation."
"I agree, what people usually lack is resources - human capital, financial capital or knowledge. People with skills, know-how or money. On a daily basis it can be hard to find the right people. Let's say I want to make education better, so I want to connect with teachers. How do I find them? I need to go to schools, look for online forums. It takes time to make friends. It's easier with our platform, you already have all the people, together, in one place. I don't need to look for people myself, content is what connects us. I don't need to look for teachers because teachers are there talking about problems they care about," I said.
An accountant professional: "I have lots of problems. Can I try? Some for my business, some personal ones. My family member has a disability so we have to approach problems differently."
"I agree, that's why conversation is important. We focus on comment based problem solving," I said.
A business executive: "My true passion is food. I used to make shoes for vegans and vegetarians. I used to use plastic type of leather for shoe making. Now, no ones knows how to make shoes anymore!"
"You know, our goal is to collect procedural knowledge on how things were made. Next time you want to open a shoe factory, you can do so, because you know how people did it in the past," I said.
A designer: "Schools would be most suitable IMO. It would teach young people to communicate with each other and express their thoughts."
[Mindey], yes! we get a lot of feedback these days, so worth starting to share ideas for product features and milestones here.